This is just going to be a short update because things have been good, but nothing drastically different is going on in my life. I now have 15 pounds to lose before reaching my pre baby weight, which is awesome! I have been really busy reconnecting with old friends while still keeping my relationships strong with the friends I have. Putting forth that extra little effort has really enhanced my life. Friends are truly the spice of life. Although I am extremely busy at work I am enjoying my job and actually feel like I am a better therapist this year even though I am only working 4 days/week and my caseload is bigger than it's ever been. The thing I enjoy most is being a mom and I am so grateful for each day off I have that I get to hang out with my son. Nothing can beat that!
I still haven't added too much to my vision board. Getting down to my pre baby weight is my main goal right now, along with planning an awesome vow renewal ceremony and reception (which I have a vision for in my head, but cannot find pictures for my board) but I know two things I want to add are 1. a picture of an LCD Samsung HDTV, and 2. plans for a house that we will build within 5 years, when we decide where we want to settle down.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Thursday, October 1, 2009
So since my last blog things have taken a turn for the better. Life is so crazy like that! Literally, two days after I wrote about money issues and my husband not being on the same page as me, he decided that he needed to start being more careful with our money and not go out as much. I did not even say a word to him about it, and he does not read my blog (at least I'm 99% sure he doesn't), so since he has made that decision we have been able to catch up on our bills and by the end of October we will be able to start saving again! We managed to pay another few thousand towards our ceremony in Puerto Rico too! I have no clue how we were able to do this, but things are slowly turning up.
Since I have been back to work for about a month and a half now I have not been putting as much time into practicing the law of attraction or praying, and I find that when I take the time to say a prayer, visualize, say affirmations, look at my vision board, be grateful for things, goes much better for me. Even though I am working, I need to make sure I do not lose my focus. Thanks for reading!
Since I have been back to work for about a month and a half now I have not been putting as much time into practicing the law of attraction or praying, and I find that when I take the time to say a prayer, visualize, say affirmations, look at my vision board, be grateful for things, goes much better for me. Even though I am working, I need to make sure I do not lose my focus. Thanks for reading!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Ups and Downs
I've been debating posting this blog, because I really want to keep everything very positive on here, but at the same time I want this blog to be real and a true reflection of what I am going through. So I decided to go ahead and post about something I've been struggling with recently along with the good stuff that's been going on. Most is good, really. I would say that a majority of the time I feel like my life is wonderful, that I am getting everything I want, and it is easy for me to stay positive. The one area that needs improvement, that I'm sure most people can relate to is money. I was doing really well for a while (when my husband couldn't spend money because he was working 24/7 in the military). Now I definitely need more of it in my life, not even to do great, fun things, but just to pay the bills and maybe have a little extra. Well, I guess if I am being honest, my husband and I probably make enough money, we are just horrible at sticking to a budget (trying to be nice by putting "we"). When I figure out our budget for the next few months it honestly looks like we are going to be just making it, that is if we actually spend what we are supposed to in the allotted areas. Wondering how The Secret works when one partner is doing it and the other one isn't and is in his same old habits. So, I'm looking for a miracle here! That was my little negative blurb for the sake of honesty on this blog and now it's time to get positive again! I am financially secure. I have no debt! I am grateful that I get to talk to my husband everyday now and that he is safe. Everything else has been going well. Weight is still coming off, I got to reconnect with some great friends for a weekend, spending a lot of time doing the "small stuff" that makes me happy. Loving my baby boy! Life is still good!
law of attraction,
positive thinking,
the secret
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
A True Experiment
I am really going to be testing the Law of Attraction in these next few months. My husband and I are planning on having a vow renewal ceremony in Puerto Rico this February. We haven't been married long, but our first wedding was planned in less than a week and we didn't have all of our friends and family there. We always imagined having a destination wedding, so we decided to go ahead and do it. We have not had a honeymoon either, so this will be our chance to do that as well. Not that I want to be negative on here, but if I look at the reality of the situation, it is going to be difficult funding this. Now done with that negative thought. We are going to do it and I have an image in my mind about how I would like it to be, and I am going to trust that we will be able to afford it. I will focus a lot of positive energy and visualization towards this issue and see how it goes!
Friday, August 28, 2009
My life is good!
It has been a few weeks since i have written a blog and the reason being that so much has been happening, I don't even know where to start! I have numerous blogs that I started, but didn't post yet because I am still waiting to see how things turn out. Basically, I am just feeling so grateful and blessed in my life, I am finding it difficult to ask for 'more' on my vision board. I don't feel like in this moment I want much else, so I just have two things sitting on my lonely vision board: 1. I want to continue to lose weight and become more fit until I get to 10 pounds below my pre-pregnancy weight (50 down, 30 lbs to go) and I want this by January 31, 2010. 2. I want more money. Eventually I want enough to pay off my student loans, mortgage, and any other debt my husband and I may have. This time I am going to put a number out there and say that in a years time I want my husband and I to have made $175,000.
Those are the two big things that I'm sure many people are also asking for. I'm not putting traveling on my vision board again quite yet because I could actually use a break from it for a little while. It's hard to travel with a baby! What I do want is to continue to build relationships with my friends who are very supportive and really positive in my life. It seems that as life happens sometimes I don't put a focus on keeping in touch with friends who may live in other states, I'm more into the here and now. I am going to start putting forth more effort into keeping in touch because they are worth it! These are great friends who I love and who make me happy. My life will only be better with them in it more. I haven't figured out how I am going to put that on my vision board, but I just put it out there, so universe, work for me!
One last thing I thought I should mention is that I have thus far only watched the movie The Secret, and that is what has started me on this journey, but this week I plan on purchasing the book to learn more and give me a physical reference to look at (to me flipping to find a page is much easier than finding a spot on a DVD). As I read I am sure I will find new inspiring information, and I will be sure to update any new findings. Thank you for reading and keep the positive thoughts flowing!
Those are the two big things that I'm sure many people are also asking for. I'm not putting traveling on my vision board again quite yet because I could actually use a break from it for a little while. It's hard to travel with a baby! What I do want is to continue to build relationships with my friends who are very supportive and really positive in my life. It seems that as life happens sometimes I don't put a focus on keeping in touch with friends who may live in other states, I'm more into the here and now. I am going to start putting forth more effort into keeping in touch because they are worth it! These are great friends who I love and who make me happy. My life will only be better with them in it more. I haven't figured out how I am going to put that on my vision board, but I just put it out there, so universe, work for me!
One last thing I thought I should mention is that I have thus far only watched the movie The Secret, and that is what has started me on this journey, but this week I plan on purchasing the book to learn more and give me a physical reference to look at (to me flipping to find a page is much easier than finding a spot on a DVD). As I read I am sure I will find new inspiring information, and I will be sure to update any new findings. Thank you for reading and keep the positive thoughts flowing!
law of attraction,
the secret,
Monday, August 24, 2009
Losing the Weight
Although I have not yet reached my goal weight, I am writing about my weight loss because I am so surprised at how easily it has come off since I began to use the law of attraction. I have lost approximately 30 pounds since I started using The Secret. That is on top of the 25 pounds that I lost right after I had my baby. I still have about 20 pounds to go, but the weight seems to be coming off without much effort. Although I have been moving more in my daily life, I have not been on a regular exercise regimen for this loss.
Here is the story of my weight loss: I had a baby at the end of January of this year (2009) I lost 25 pounds within the 2 weeks after delivery, but then I stopped losing weight for about 2 months. Maybe I lost 5 pounds in the next 2 months, but the weight was not coming of nearly as fast as I had hoped. I kept looking in the mirror, feeling horrible about my body, wondering if I would ever feel confident and be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes again. Around that time I watched the movie The Secret. I made my vision board, and waited. On my vision board I didn't put up girls who I wanted to look like because I just wanted to look like myself, just a thinner version. So, I put up pictures of girls who I felt exuded a trait that I felt when I was thinner. I wanted to feel confident, healthy, sexy.
After I placed the vision board in my bedroom I didn't quite know what else to do. I wasn't ready to start a diet or exercising a lot, so I just visualized a thinner version of myself, the clothes I would wear and how I would feel. For about a week nothing happened, but then a thought process began. I soon realized that I would eat the most when I was just bored at home, especially when my son was napping. Once that was realized, I thought about what I could do during that time instead of eat. I really wanted more sleep. I felt a little strange taking a nap, but I told myself I would just try it for the week and see how I felt. Once I was open to let myself try this, the rest of my life kind of fell into place around that. I found that after my nap I would have enough energy to take him out somewhere or go on a walk in the afternoon. So, not only was I not eating during his morning nap time, but I was gaining more sleep and consequently have enough energy to do something active in the afternoon which was helping me achieve weight loss. That has been the start of my new lifestyle. I have been doing more of what I love such as going on walks around my neighborhood, on hiking trails, biking, swimming, etc... and less eating out of boredom. That's about it so far. I plan on starting to exercise more frequently and a little bit harder to try to get off these last 20 pounds. I really want to be able to run 3 miles without being exhausted. So this fall I am going to accomplish that.
I feel that I am beginning to really grasp the concept of the law of attraction. Just do what you love and live the life you want. Everything else just falls into place.
Check out this website if you are looking to lose weight using The Secret:
Here is the story of my weight loss: I had a baby at the end of January of this year (2009) I lost 25 pounds within the 2 weeks after delivery, but then I stopped losing weight for about 2 months. Maybe I lost 5 pounds in the next 2 months, but the weight was not coming of nearly as fast as I had hoped. I kept looking in the mirror, feeling horrible about my body, wondering if I would ever feel confident and be able to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes again. Around that time I watched the movie The Secret. I made my vision board, and waited. On my vision board I didn't put up girls who I wanted to look like because I just wanted to look like myself, just a thinner version. So, I put up pictures of girls who I felt exuded a trait that I felt when I was thinner. I wanted to feel confident, healthy, sexy.
After I placed the vision board in my bedroom I didn't quite know what else to do. I wasn't ready to start a diet or exercising a lot, so I just visualized a thinner version of myself, the clothes I would wear and how I would feel. For about a week nothing happened, but then a thought process began. I soon realized that I would eat the most when I was just bored at home, especially when my son was napping. Once that was realized, I thought about what I could do during that time instead of eat. I really wanted more sleep. I felt a little strange taking a nap, but I told myself I would just try it for the week and see how I felt. Once I was open to let myself try this, the rest of my life kind of fell into place around that. I found that after my nap I would have enough energy to take him out somewhere or go on a walk in the afternoon. So, not only was I not eating during his morning nap time, but I was gaining more sleep and consequently have enough energy to do something active in the afternoon which was helping me achieve weight loss. That has been the start of my new lifestyle. I have been doing more of what I love such as going on walks around my neighborhood, on hiking trails, biking, swimming, etc... and less eating out of boredom. That's about it so far. I plan on starting to exercise more frequently and a little bit harder to try to get off these last 20 pounds. I really want to be able to run 3 miles without being exhausted. So this fall I am going to accomplish that.
I feel that I am beginning to really grasp the concept of the law of attraction. Just do what you love and live the life you want. Everything else just falls into place.
Check out this website if you are looking to lose weight using The Secret:
law of attraction,
the secret,
vision board,
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Secret got my Friend a Good Man
I have a friend who I absolutely adore, but when it comes to relationships she is a bit of a pessimist. She always assumes that she is going to be alone forever and never find "The One". Most of her relationships are pretty short and have ended badly. I was talking to her about two months ago, telling her that she should make a vision board or a journal entry writing exactly what she wants in a man and then look at it every day. Not being sure if she would really do this, I had her tell me on the phone exactly what she wanted in a boyfriend.
Now fast forward to last night(approximately 2 months later), I get a phone call from her. She says she has been dating someone for a few weeks now and it is going great! Her exact words were "It's so nice to be with someone who you know is into you. No games." Turns out this is someone she has known and has been friends with for 4 years, but never looked at in a romantic way until recently. She said they have always had a great time together, but never thought about dating because neither of them wanted to date someone from work. I guess at the same time they let their guard down and decided to forget their silly rules and be open to what could be. Isn't it amazing! This person has been there the whole time, but just now her eyes opened to it. Goes to show you, never close any doors.
I told her how awesome I thought it was and how last time we talked, she was saying how she really wanted a nice boyfriend. She preceded to tell me that she did decide to implement The Secret, and she asked the universe to send her a man with these certain qualities. She wrote it all on a piece of paper, tried really hard to be positive and grateful, and she waited patiently. After about a month, her eyes opened to this man. She said that just being aware of what she wanted in a man helped her to see that this person had all those qualities. Good luck to them!
It's so nice to hear stories of how gratitude, positive thinking, and straight out asking for what you want is working in real people's lives!
Now fast forward to last night(approximately 2 months later), I get a phone call from her. She says she has been dating someone for a few weeks now and it is going great! Her exact words were "It's so nice to be with someone who you know is into you. No games." Turns out this is someone she has known and has been friends with for 4 years, but never looked at in a romantic way until recently. She said they have always had a great time together, but never thought about dating because neither of them wanted to date someone from work. I guess at the same time they let their guard down and decided to forget their silly rules and be open to what could be. Isn't it amazing! This person has been there the whole time, but just now her eyes opened to it. Goes to show you, never close any doors.
I told her how awesome I thought it was and how last time we talked, she was saying how she really wanted a nice boyfriend. She preceded to tell me that she did decide to implement The Secret, and she asked the universe to send her a man with these certain qualities. She wrote it all on a piece of paper, tried really hard to be positive and grateful, and she waited patiently. After about a month, her eyes opened to this man. She said that just being aware of what she wanted in a man helped her to see that this person had all those qualities. Good luck to them!
It's so nice to hear stories of how gratitude, positive thinking, and straight out asking for what you want is working in real people's lives!
law of attraction,
positive thinking,
the secret
Money, Money, Money
Many people have sent me messages to my twitter account ( asking if I have received more money by using The Secret. The answer is yes, but once again, it has not happened in the way I expected it to. What I expected was that my husband or myself would find another job making double what we make now, or that we might win a lottery (we don't play, so that thought was kind of silly).
A few things actually happened. 1. A relative gave us a large sum of money as a belated wedding gift. 2. My husband's housing stipend ended up covering our entire mortgage which we didn't think would happen. 3. I have started to see money differently which has resulted in us having more (I will explain this further).
The first two things that happened are pretty self-explanatory, but the third is what I will tell you about here. This is how it starts: One day, as I was going through my mail, I received a packet of papers from Similac, which is the brand of formula my son uses, enclosed was a $5 coupon (I get these all the time). Sometimes I use the coupons and sometimes I forget, but this time as I looked at that coupon, I saw it as Similac actually sending me a $5.00 bill. This is something that I need to buy, that I always buy, and they are giving me $5.00 off which is basically $5.oo in my pocket. Now this is all common sense, but I've never had a problem not using coupons in the past. This time I just couldn't ignore it. It's hard to explain, but I started seeing coupons and sales as money in my pocket. It was like the universe really was sending me money, I just had to stop being lazy and actually use what was being sent my way.
I began putting the money we were saving into a separate savings account for day trips and fun stuff, so that keeps me even more motivated to use coupons and buy sales because if I save $10 at the grocery store, then that is $10 more towards having fun and leading the life I love to live. We have managed to save about $500 in three months just by using coupons and buying what we need when there is a sale. We do not buy anything on sale that we don't already use. So, although this is nothing really profound, it has worked.
What I am wondering now is if it makes a difference how big something is on your vision board. For example, I had written 'more money' pretty small and only once on my board, and it's the thing that has happened in the smallest amount. So, if on my next vision board, I write it bigger and supply a picture of exactly what I want, I wonder if it will come in greater amounts. I have read stories of people writing exactly how much money they would like to make in a given year posting it on their vision board and then a year later making very close to that exact amount. This year should be intersting as it will be the first year I am not going to be working full time because I want to stay home with my son. So making more money while working less is going to be an experiment! I'll let you know how it goes!
A few things actually happened. 1. A relative gave us a large sum of money as a belated wedding gift. 2. My husband's housing stipend ended up covering our entire mortgage which we didn't think would happen. 3. I have started to see money differently which has resulted in us having more (I will explain this further).
The first two things that happened are pretty self-explanatory, but the third is what I will tell you about here. This is how it starts: One day, as I was going through my mail, I received a packet of papers from Similac, which is the brand of formula my son uses, enclosed was a $5 coupon (I get these all the time). Sometimes I use the coupons and sometimes I forget, but this time as I looked at that coupon, I saw it as Similac actually sending me a $5.00 bill. This is something that I need to buy, that I always buy, and they are giving me $5.00 off which is basically $5.oo in my pocket. Now this is all common sense, but I've never had a problem not using coupons in the past. This time I just couldn't ignore it. It's hard to explain, but I started seeing coupons and sales as money in my pocket. It was like the universe really was sending me money, I just had to stop being lazy and actually use what was being sent my way.
I began putting the money we were saving into a separate savings account for day trips and fun stuff, so that keeps me even more motivated to use coupons and buy sales because if I save $10 at the grocery store, then that is $10 more towards having fun and leading the life I love to live. We have managed to save about $500 in three months just by using coupons and buying what we need when there is a sale. We do not buy anything on sale that we don't already use. So, although this is nothing really profound, it has worked.
What I am wondering now is if it makes a difference how big something is on your vision board. For example, I had written 'more money' pretty small and only once on my board, and it's the thing that has happened in the smallest amount. So, if on my next vision board, I write it bigger and supply a picture of exactly what I want, I wonder if it will come in greater amounts. I have read stories of people writing exactly how much money they would like to make in a given year posting it on their vision board and then a year later making very close to that exact amount. This year should be intersting as it will be the first year I am not going to be working full time because I want to stay home with my son. So making more money while working less is going to be an experiment! I'll let you know how it goes!
law of attraction,
the secret,
vision board
Friday, August 14, 2009
Visualize living your dream life
Another important part of The Secret that I have not mentioned previously is to take time to visualize yourself living the life you really want, the life you imagine. I went to the extent of writing a journal entry dated 5 years from now that describes my life and what I am feeling in that moment. The beginning reads, "I ran 5 miles on the beach this morning. It feels so good to be back in shape after having my kids." I went on to describe the "dream house" we were building, what my husband and I do for work, what we had for dinner that night, etc.. very detailed. I have this in a drawer next to my bed and will occasionally read it and try to visualize that life and feel the emotions that are mentioned. All this is done while being grateful for the life that I do have. It's okay to want more, but always appreciate where you are at. There is beauty in the present.
law of attraction,
the secret,
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Think BIG!
I was looking at my little vision board today and realized that I have received everything on the board to some extent. Everything I put out there came to me, not always in the way I expected, but in a way that fits my life. I mentioned my experience traveling in previous blogs and even though I didn't make it to a tropical island, I did get to travel to a new place, and I had a wonderful time! I am losing weight, feeling more confident, and have managed to lead a more laid back lifestyle. Now that I have received all that I asked for, I decided that I need to think BIGGER! I felt a little uncomfortable asking for big things on my first vision board because I didn't want to appear selfish or greedy (I wasn't showing my board to anyone, so I don't know why I felt this way). Now, I realize that the universe (God) wants me to have all my hearts desires. It is time for me to make a new vision board and really stretch it for Big things. Here is a picture of my first vision board. Hope you can see it alright. I will slowly work on my next one and will post a picture of it when I have a few items on. Also, I want to thank all of you who read my blog. You are helping to hold me accountable and to continue living a positive life. Lately I have been writing "I am grateful for my new blog subscribers" in my gratitude journal. So THANK YOU!

law of attraction,
the secret,
vision board
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Keep your eyes open
Sometimes things happen to me and I don't even realize it is exactly what I asked for. My vision board reads "travel more", just because I may not be traveling to a tropical island right now does not mean that I am not getting what I asked for. My mom rented our family a house near the beach in Maine next week. I think this fully qualifies as traveling. I almost overlooked it as something that just happened, but it is definitely a vacation, exactly what I want! Since my family is traveling with me, I will be able to have some "me time" too because they will help take care of my son for the week. How awesome is that?! I'm getting two things that I asked for all at once! It's crazy when I really look at the past 3 months and see that things are really happening. Three trips in three months, that is crazy for me! Usually it's one per year.
To anyone who is currently trying to live The Secret keep your eyes open. Things may be coming to you that are missed. I would love to hear about your experiences using the Law of Attraction. Please share!
To anyone who is currently trying to live The Secret keep your eyes open. Things may be coming to you that are missed. I would love to hear about your experiences using the Law of Attraction. Please share!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
How I got started
My experience thus far using The Secret: I heard about this on Oprah maybe a year or so ago and thought Wow! How amazing that all these people just thought positively, said what they wanted, and got it all. I knew this would never happen for me, so I just dismissed it.
About two months ago I started hearing people talk about the secret again and this time I decided to watch the movie online. After paying my $3.99 on itunes and watching the movie I decided to give it a shot. What did I have to lose?
I went through the magazines I had around the house and cut out pictures of things I wanted: To be thinner, Go the the spa more, Travel, Romance, Money, etc... I grabbed a piece of cardboard out of the recycling box and glued my pictures on it. I wrote words next to the pictures so I would remember what the picture represented for me. I wrote "confident" and "sexy" next to a woman who exuded these traits, "travel more" next to pictures of tropical islands, and "more me time" next to a girl at the spa. Then, I placed that piece of cardboard on my dresser in my bedroom so that I could look at it everyday and "get" all these things.
I didn't stop there. I started a gratitude journal so I could look at the positive in my life. If you have seen the movie you know this is also a very important part. So I began, I am grateful for my son, my husband, my cats, that I can breath, and it went on and on. I did this about 3 times a week and waited. Each day I was hoping would be the day that something would happen, and finally it did!
I was going through my mail one day and I came across an envelope sent from the spa that I occasionally go to (like twice a year). In this envelope was a gift certificate saying Happy Birthday we would like to treat you to a free nights stay at our spa all taxes and everything taken care of. Every time I go to the spa I say, "I wish I could stay the night" and it finally happened. It was my birthday, but i have never received this in the past. It was so great! Of course, I immediately start thanking God and writing in my gratitude journal, waiting for the next thing to happen.
Since then, I have been traveling more, but not in the way I expected. My husband is currently stationed in Texas so I have had a chance to visit there twice which was fun since I have never been there, so I will be grateful for that, but I was picturing more of tropical island traveling. Hey, I guess I have to take what I can get!
I have also lost 11 pounds! I haven't been doing anything really different than before, but I think it's just more in my mind now, so i subconsciously make better decisions.
That brings me to now. It's been about 2 and half months since I started using The Secret and that is what has happened. I will say that I am a Christian and also pray a lot for these same things. To me The Secret is more about being positive and grateful than anything spiritual. When I was researching about The Secret I didn't find much information about if it has actually worked for a "normal" person, like not on Oprah, so I decided to start this blog to document my journey.
About two months ago I started hearing people talk about the secret again and this time I decided to watch the movie online. After paying my $3.99 on itunes and watching the movie I decided to give it a shot. What did I have to lose?
I went through the magazines I had around the house and cut out pictures of things I wanted: To be thinner, Go the the spa more, Travel, Romance, Money, etc... I grabbed a piece of cardboard out of the recycling box and glued my pictures on it. I wrote words next to the pictures so I would remember what the picture represented for me. I wrote "confident" and "sexy" next to a woman who exuded these traits, "travel more" next to pictures of tropical islands, and "more me time" next to a girl at the spa. Then, I placed that piece of cardboard on my dresser in my bedroom so that I could look at it everyday and "get" all these things.
I didn't stop there. I started a gratitude journal so I could look at the positive in my life. If you have seen the movie you know this is also a very important part. So I began, I am grateful for my son, my husband, my cats, that I can breath, and it went on and on. I did this about 3 times a week and waited. Each day I was hoping would be the day that something would happen, and finally it did!
I was going through my mail one day and I came across an envelope sent from the spa that I occasionally go to (like twice a year). In this envelope was a gift certificate saying Happy Birthday we would like to treat you to a free nights stay at our spa all taxes and everything taken care of. Every time I go to the spa I say, "I wish I could stay the night" and it finally happened. It was my birthday, but i have never received this in the past. It was so great! Of course, I immediately start thanking God and writing in my gratitude journal, waiting for the next thing to happen.
Since then, I have been traveling more, but not in the way I expected. My husband is currently stationed in Texas so I have had a chance to visit there twice which was fun since I have never been there, so I will be grateful for that, but I was picturing more of tropical island traveling. Hey, I guess I have to take what I can get!
I have also lost 11 pounds! I haven't been doing anything really different than before, but I think it's just more in my mind now, so i subconsciously make better decisions.
That brings me to now. It's been about 2 and half months since I started using The Secret and that is what has happened. I will say that I am a Christian and also pray a lot for these same things. To me The Secret is more about being positive and grateful than anything spiritual. When I was researching about The Secret I didn't find much information about if it has actually worked for a "normal" person, like not on Oprah, so I decided to start this blog to document my journey.
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