Thursday, October 1, 2009

So since my last blog things have taken a turn for the better. Life is so crazy like that! Literally, two days after I wrote about money issues and my husband not being on the same page as me, he decided that he needed to start being more careful with our money and not go out as much. I did not even say a word to him about it, and he does not read my blog (at least I'm 99% sure he doesn't), so since he has made that decision we have been able to catch up on our bills and by the end of October we will be able to start saving again! We managed to pay another few thousand towards our ceremony in Puerto Rico too! I have no clue how we were able to do this, but things are slowly turning up.
Since I have been back to work for about a month and a half now I have not been putting as much time into practicing the law of attraction or praying, and I find that when I take the time to say a prayer, visualize, say affirmations, look at my vision board, be grateful for things, goes much better for me. Even though I am working, I need to make sure I do not lose my focus. Thanks for reading!

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