Friday, August 14, 2009

Visualize living your dream life

Another important part of The Secret that I have not mentioned previously is to take time to visualize yourself living the life you really want, the life you imagine. I went to the extent of writing a journal entry dated 5 years from now that describes my life and what I am feeling in that moment. The beginning reads, "I ran 5 miles on the beach this morning. It feels so good to be back in shape after having my kids." I went on to describe the "dream house" we were building, what my husband and I do for work, what we had for dinner that night, etc.. very detailed. I have this in a drawer next to my bed and will occasionally read it and try to visualize that life and feel the emotions that are mentioned. All this is done while being grateful for the life that I do have. It's okay to want more, but always appreciate where you are at. There is beauty in the present.


  1. i love this idea - i am going to write a journal entry like you, for 5 years from now! thx for sharing!

  2. I had the most fun doing this exercise. Let your imagination go for it and write about the life of your dreams! Such a great thing to do, have fun!

  3. I have a designated journal just for this activity and it honestly works...even when I am in a crummy mood I pull out the journal and it shifts my vibrations instantly. Great Post!
